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Week 5 Discussion 1_Crime Scene Investigation

Week 5 Discussion 1_Crime Scene Investigation

Q What is a control sample? What is a reference sample? What is the appropriate control sample(s): a. Blood on the carpet? b. Saliva on a rape victim's arm? c. Possible dog hair on car seat upholstery? What is the appropriate reference sample(s): a. A deceased person who was possibly sexually assaulted has a hair in blood under their fingernail? b. The suspect from the previous case (rape/homicide)? c. The suspect's dog that may have been in the car mentioned earlier? d. The suspect's house?

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Control sample is a type of sample used by the forensic experts. These types of samples are being used in order to make sure that the results obtained from the analysis are accurate and reliable. This is a fresh sample of the same item which will be used to compare with the actual evidence collected (Brinkmann, Rand & Bajanowski, 1992). An example of this type of sample is a same clothing item which is similar with the item collected as evidence with blood stains on it to compare them.